
Evil Repteel

Evil Repteel

  • Franchise:Street Sharks
  • Collection:Vintage
  • Manufacturer:Mattel
  • Year of launch:1995
  • Size:16cm / 7 inches


The figure Evil Repteel from Street Sharks Vintage collection includes the following accessories:

  • Backpack with tubes
  • Boca eel missile
  • Hand eel missile x2

Curiosities and variants

Repteel was the second attempt of the Dr. Piranoid to create a rival for the Street Sharks using a human test subject. El Sr. Cunneyworth voluntarily allowed the Dr. Piranoid to merge its genetic codes with those of a moray eel and an electric eel. Repteel, is powered by electricity and shoots miniature eels from its hands.

There are no known variants of this figure, the fact that it has three missiles that are fired with its “action-feature” makes it difficult to find, since it is always the first accessory that was lost.

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