Marvel Comics

Checklist – Spiderman: Animated Series

Between 1994 and 1998, an animated television series called“Spider-Man: The Animated Series” was created. The series was a huge success and is known for its faithfulness to the original comics, adapting many of the classic Spider-Man stories, and featuring a wide gallery of villains.

The toy company TOYBIZ, who had the rights to produce the Marvel toys, launched a line of figures with the characters of the series, just like the series, the collection of figures was also very successful.

In this list we review all the figures in the collection.

Series 1:

These 7 figures were the first to be released on the market, they are distinguished from the others because on the back of the cardboard we can see the list of these 7 figures.

Series 2:

Due to the success of the animated series and the first wave of figures, TOYBIZ decided to continue releasing new figures for the collection.

Series 3:

Series 4:

Series 5:

Series 6:

Spider Wars:

With this wave we reach the end of the collection of TOYBIZ figures based on the characters of the animated series: “Spider-Man: The Animated Series”.

There is more…

Although strictly speaking, the collection of figures based on “Spider-Man: The Animated Series” ends here, TOYBIZ was not satisfied only with these figures…

At that time Spider-Man was very fashionable, and the toy company did not want to waste the license to continue creating other lines of Spider-Man figures that could be considered practically a continuation of this collection.