
Boba Fett

Boba Fett

  • Franchise:Star Wars
  • Collection:Vintage
  • Manufacturer:Kenner
  • Year of release:1978
  • Size:10cm / 3.75 inches


Boba Fett figure of the Star Wars collection (vintage) includes the following accessories:

  • Gun
  • Rocket back

Curiosities and variants of the figure

At first this figure was only available through a “Mail-away” system, where buyers of the second wave figures sent 4 proofs of purchase to KENNER and the toy company sent them the figure by mail.

The following year the piece was already available in stores and years later several reeditions of this piece were released, so we can find different versions with different cartons.

Originally, the figure was supposed to carry a rocket on its back with a system that fired that rocket, but for safety reasons that “Action-Feature” was eventually removed from the figure and the rocket could no longer be fired.

In the “mail-away” figure that KENNER sent, it included a paper explaining that this functionality had been removed from the figure, and because of that, if the customer wanted, he could change it for any other figure.

Although none of these rocket-firing figures were ever sold or shipped, there were a few that were produced and in one way or another ended up in the hands of a collector. Today we meet this version of the figure of Bobba Fett as “Rocket firing Boba fett”.

“Rocket firing boba fett” is by far the most expensive piece of all, it has broken records on ebay surpassing 200,000 dollars.


Boba Fett is a bounty hunter. With his distinctive Mandalorian armor and helmet, he is known for his skill and mystery. Introduced in “The Empire Strikes Back”, Boba Fett works for Darth Vader and is hired by Jabba the Hutt. His cunning and skill make him one of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy. Although his role in the original films is relatively brief, his popularity grew through comics and other media. “The Mandalorian” series further explores his background and legacy.

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