
Moby Lick

Moby Lick

  • Franchise:Street Sharks
  • Collection:Vintage
  • Manufacturer:Mattel
  • Year of launch:1995
  • Size:16cm / 7 inches


The figure Moby Lick from Street Sharks Vintage collection includes the following accessories:

  • Red cap

Curiosities and variants

Moby Lick is another failed experiment by the Dr. Piranoid, Jets Taylor is a friend of the Bolton Brothers (Street Sharks) and Bends.

Paradigm sought to create something strong enough to stand up to the Street Sharks after his experiments related to injecting DNA into marine creatures such as: a lobster (Slobster), a swordfish (Slash) and a squid (Killamari) had little success and, as such, chose Jets Taylor, which had the perfect DNA structure to make it work. It worked to a great degree of success when he genetically blended Jets with a killer whale and formed what appeared to be a perfect creature. What he did not take into account was that Jets was a friend of the Bolton brothers, and ended up becoming a very powerful ally of the Street Sharks.

The figure of Moby Lick was launched as part of the second wave of the Street sharks, There are no known variants of this figure, its only accessory, the red cap, is the most complicated part of this figure to get, becoming more expensive than the figure itself, also, we have to pay attention when acquiring this piece that works its “action-feature” a lever that rotates the big tongue of the orca.

This piece was re-released as part of the series Mega Heroes, a wave distributed in 1996 where they changed the packaging, from the cardboard box used until then, to the typical blister with bubble. In my opinion, a mistake on MATTEL’s part, as the cardboard box was something that differentiated this line of toys from others. So, this figure can be found with two different types of packaging, even though the figure remains the same.

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