
Stingshot Streex

Stingshot Streex

  • Franchise:Street Sharks
  • Collection:Vintage
  • Manufacturer:Mattel
  • Year of release:1996
  • Size:16cm / 7 inches


The figure Stingshot Streex Street Sharks Vintage includes the following accessories:

  • Glasses
  • Armor (4 pieces)
  • Bazoka
  • Cactus projectile

Curiosities and variants

Stingshot Streex, this figure is part of the wave Night Fighters, the penultimate wave in the collection of Street Sharks. Like the rest of the pieces in this wave, it is quite difficult to obtain, especially in its original blister pack or with all its accessories.

This, especially, is the most complicated piece to obtain complete, since it is the figure of the whole collection with the most accessories.

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