


  • Franchise:DC Comics
  • Collection:Super Powers
  • Manufacturer:Kenner
  • Release year:1986
  • Size:12cm (4,5 inch)


Orion figure from “Super Powers” collection includes the following accessories:

  • Rotor head

Curiosities and variants of the figure

Orion figure is part of the third (and final) wave of the Super Powers produced by KENNER in the 1980s.

All the figures of this third wave are much more complicated to obtain than those of the previous waves. As this was the last wave, there was no reissue of these figures and their number of units is lower.

The figure of Orion, just like the rest of the figures in the Super Powers had an “action feature”, In this case by squeezing the doll’s legs his arms move and his face turns showing the face of evil Orion


Orion is the son of the dreaded Darkseid. He was raised on New Genesis by Highfather as part of a treaty between the warring planets of New Genesis and Apokolips. Highfather exchanged his son Mister Miracle by the son of Darkseid, as a sign of good faith.

With the loving care of Highfather’s family and the influence of faithful friends as he grew up, Orion became a good man, although he still struggles with an inner rage.

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