
Welcome to Toyzinger

Good morning and welcome to Toyzinger, I am using this first blog post to explain who I am and my idea of what I would like Toyzinger to become in the future.

I am a collector of toys from the 80’s-90’s and during my time as a collector I am always looking for information and learning things along the way about collectibles.

My idea is to add all the information I collect about the figures and collections in the form of a wiki, and for that I create the section on the left where I divide the information by: “franchises > collections > pieces”

Throughout these years as a collector I have realized that all this information is scattered in countless channels, forums, blogs, posts… and I would like to centralize all this information.

Obviously, it is a very long road and a tedious task, and I will do it little by little in my spare time.

I would also like to create quality content that can help and entertain other collectors like me, and for that I will use this blog and several social networks;

If at any time you see missing or erroneous information, I am more than open to your suggestions and collaboration;

I won’t go any further, the project starts here