


  • Franchise:DC Comics
  • Collection:Super Powers
  • Manufacturer:Kenner
  • Year of launch:1985
  • Size:12cm (4,5 inch)


Mantis figure from “Super Powers” collection includes the following accessories:

  • Cómic

Curiosities and variants of the figure

Mantis figure is part of the second wave of figures in the collection of the Super Powers produced by the KENNER toy company between 1984-1986.

This figure was distributed in several countries, so we can find some differences in the blister cartons, in some editions a comic was included, or different offers like the one of the figure of Clark Kent or the cape of Superman.

Like the rest of the figures in the collection, the figure of Mantis had an “Action-Feature” in which when his legs are squeezed, his arms move.


Mantis is the leader of a colony of humanoid insects that migrated from New Genesis. Generally, by spending time in an energy capsule, you can recharge yourself, but you can also absorb the energies of your opponents such as Green Lantern.

Mantis helps Darkseid to create the first Secret Society of Supervillains, and appears in issue #5 of the limited series “Death of the New Gods”. Where it is associated with the son of Darkseid, Kalibak, after the assassinations of many “Fourth Age” gods.

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