
Mo-Lec-U-Lar & Volt-Ure

Mo-Lec-U-Lar & Volt-Ure

  • Franchise:Silverhawks
  • Collection:vintage
  • Manufacturer:Kenner
  • Release year:1986
  • Size:13 cm (5″)


List of accessories for the “Mo-Lec-U-Lar & Volt-Ure” figure from the SilverHawks collection:

  • Staff
  • Hawk (Volt-Ure)

Variants and curiosities

Mol-Ec-U-Lar is an extraterrestrial composed mostly of spheres and a huge drawing of an atom on its chest. It has only one hand, as its other arm ends in a hexagonal stump. Using a hexagonal ring-shaped artifact on that stump, he is able to transform himself into anything, whether living or inert.

Although there are no known variants of this figure, it can be found in two types of blister packs, American and European.

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