


  • Franchise:Thundercats
  • Collection:LJN Vintage
  • Manufacturer:LJN
  • Year of launch:1985
  • Size:16cm / 7 inches


Snowman figure of Thundercats LJN – Vintage includes the following accessories:

  • Helmet
  • Shield
  • Spear

Curiosities and variants of the figure

The line of the Thundercats was distributed in many countries, so we can find the figure of Snowman in different blister packs, some with the “free Mumm-ra” promotion and some without. As with the rest of the figures in the Thundercats this figure comes with an “Action-feature” that moves the arms up and down by pulling a lever on its back, thus emulating the weapon stroke.


Snowman lives at Snow Castle on Hook Mountain with his pet Snowmeow. Both are loyal allies of the ThunderCats, and help them in several chapters to fight Mutants and/or Mumm-ra.

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