In 1994, along with the release of the Street Sharks animated series, MATTEL released a collection of action figures. During 3 years they released a total of 32 figures (36 if we count the metallic variants) and 8 vehicles, plus we have an extra Mail-Away figure.
These figures have a fairly large size of about 6 inches (15-16cm) and stand out for their great coloring and robustness, it is to be appreciated that many of these pieces barely have accessories, so it is more or less feasible to get them complete.
Along with this collection of figures, MATTEL also launched a collection of giant shark puppets, which enjoyed great success.
Next, we review the checklist of all the pieces in this collection, a relatively short list, but don’t let that fool you, as many of these pieces are difficult and expensive to obtain.
Wave 1 (1994):
The first wave of figures released by MATTEL had a total of 7 pieces, the 4 main sharks and 3 of the villains of the series. These figures came packaged in a box with plastic bars emulating a cage, something very original and characteristic of this line. The figures of the 4 main characters are available in two versions, “Standard” (normal paint) or “Metallic” (metallic paint).
Wave 2 (1995):
In the year 1995 two more waves of the Street sharks collection were released, each of these waves had 5 new figures, some of new characters, others of the same characters with different sculpts, accessories and/or “action-features”. From this point on, the figure boxes no longer included the characteristic cages of the first 7 pieces. A pity.
Wave 3 (1995):
After the success of the first two waves of figures, the third wave of figures from Street Sharks was released to the market, included 5 new pieces, one of them the only human in the entire collection Radical Bends.
Wave 4 (1996):
1996 was the last year for the collection of figures from the Street Sharks, but it was also the year that more figures were released, first with a 5-piece boxed wave like those of the previous year:
Night Fighters
At this point, MATTEL decided to change the packaging of the figures from cardboard boxes to blister packs. The first blister pack figures released by the toymaker were a wave called the Mega Heroes, which were nothing more than a reissue of already existing figures, but changing their packaging.
After these, they launched this three-figure mini wave called Night Fighters, with three new figures of the main characters of the series, the figures of this wave are, together with those of the next one, the most expensive and complicated figures to obtain, these stand out for being figures with many more accessories than the rest of the figures of the collection.
Space Force
This was the sixth and last wave of the vintage collection from Street Sharks released to the market, these four figures are possibly the most expensive and difficult to obtain, especially Evil Draxx, that could almost be considered a “Holy Grail”.
Every good action figure collection has a few vehicles to round out the experience, and Street Sharks were not going to be less, in this case MATTEL launched up to 8 vehicles, 4 of them allowed the assembly of any part of the line, others already had the part embedded in the vehicle design.
Mail Away
One more figure awaited the fans of the franchise, in this case it was a “Mail Away” figure, not sold in stores, sent by mail to the most loyal consumers of the collection.