Batman: The Animated Series is an animated series from the 1990s, known for redefining the superhero cartoon genre. First aired in 1992, the series was noted for its dark tone, complex narratives and a visual aesthetic inspired by Art Deco and film noir.
The toy company KENNER was who had the rights to Batman at that time, and launched a collection of action figures with the characters of the series, here we review all the figures and vehicles in that collection.
“Batman: The Animated Series” aired for several years having a total of 65 episodes, after that, a continuation of the series called “The adventures of Batman & Robin” was created with a total of 20 new episodes, obviously the second part of the series also had its line of toys that we also list here.
Series 1:
In 1992, the first wave of figures of the collection was released, with some of the most emblematic characters of the series.
Of this wave, The figure Batman (Combat Belt) stands out above all others, since the only figure of the protagonist with the original classic costume in the entire collection. This makes it a very desirable piece for collectors.
Series 2:
Due to the resounding success of the animated series and the first wave of figures, a second wave was released in 1993.
Series 3:
We are in the year 1994 and at this point the series is already a proven success, this year is the one in which more figures are released:
Series 4:
This Deluxe wave, includes a series of Batman figures, with some larger than usual accessories.
Vehicles and Playsets:
Like any self-respecting figure collection,“Batman: The Animated Series” also has several vehicles and Playsets that complement the figures and expand the play possibilities: